- “磐石”干磨片系列以進口金剛砂為原材料,由韓國全自動生產設備成型。 具有性價比高,拋光快,壽命長、光潔度高,不燒片、不染板、無異味的優勢。 做工精細美觀,柔軟度好,有彈性,可以任意對折,粘結劑采用環保型膠水,無毒無味,綠色環保。 磨粒形狀設計科學,排版合理緊湊,達到較佳的打磨拋光效果,無需加水冷卻即可高效完成對大理石、花崗巖、陶瓷、玻璃、水泥等脆硬材料表面的打磨拋光。 The PAN SHI Dry Grinding Pad series use imported dimond as raw material, forming by automatic production equipment. The features are cost-effective, fast polishing, abrasion resistant, high brightness, no burning, no dyeing, no odor. Fine workmanship, good flexibility, environment-friendly glue, non-toxic tasteless, non-polluting. Scientificly designed shapes to achieve the best polishing effect. No watering is needed during operation.